School Visit Round-up

I've had some lovely school visits this term, including a return visit to the fantastic Park Hall Junior Academy in Walsall, where I spent a lovely day talking about Ancient Egypt and creating new long-lost artefacts with Y5. Thank you to everyone for making me so welcome, and especially to Ms Ragdale for organising the visit.

I've also been back to the wonderful Litcham School where I'm lucky enough to be Author in Residence. In the morning, several groups of Y2, Y3 and Y4 students from some of the surrounding primary schools came in for a combined creative workshop.  We invented supervehicles with animal powers and made up stories about them. In the afternoon it was back to Ancient Egypt with the fantastic Golden Eagles class - venturing into the tomb of Phraraoh Smenkhkare. As always a special thank you to librarian extraordinaire Cathy Berry for organising it all and looking after me.

Here are just a few of the amazing animal supervehicles we invented.

Beatrice's Bee Bike won the prize book
The Meg-Lab

The Super Snail Car
The Octodragon