Drawing Competition Winners Announced

Drift by Holly Bramley
Over on the Special Investigations Team area on the Adventure Island website we've been running a competition, asking readers (who are also members of the S.I.T.) to send in their drawings of their favourite Adventure Island characters. After some lengthy debates, Jack, Scott and Emily (with more than a little help from Drift) have picked their winner. This lovely picture of Drift was sent in by Holly Bramley, aged 11, from South Wales (my apologies that it looks a bit grey here due to being photographed and uploaded to computer - the original version on paper is much clearer!). We all loved the energy in this drawing and the way that Holly has captured Drift's fun and lively character.

Here is what Leo Hartas, the totally brilliant Adventure Island illustrator had to say about Holly's picture:

Hello Holly. Thank you for your marvellous drawing of Drift. You really have captured his shaggy hair and I love the shine on his nose. (suitably wet, as all lively dog's noses are!) You have also got the glint in his eyes perfectly. If you like drawing dogs next time you see one for real, see if you can look hard, close you eyes, then draw him or her. It's hard because they keep moving so you have to try and commit what you see to memory.

Congratulations to Holly, who wins a signed set of Adventure Island books from Orion Children's Books.

Emily by Evonne Lee
It was a very difficult decision between Holly's drawing and our runner-up - this gorgeous picture of Emily sent in by Evonne Lee. We loved the delicate lines and the way Evonne has captured Emily's serious expression.

Here's what Leo had to say about this picture.

Hi Evonne. Thank you for sending in your drawing of Emily. It’s really nice. You have caught the shape of her face and, size of her eyes, and mouth perfectly. I love her slightly untidy hair (a busy detective hasn’t the time to mess around with brushes and mirrors!) with those delicate curls at the ends. You have caught the sparkle in her eyes too. Great work, and keep on drawing!

Well done to Evonne, who wins two signed Adventure Island books.

Thank you to everyone who sent in their drawings - sorry you can't all be winners.

Watch out for a writing competition coming soon!

While we're on the subject of drawings, I also wanted to give a special mention to this fabulous picture of Drift discovering the dinosaur fossil - with Emily in the background, drawn by Alex at the launch party in Cambridge in April - it's been on the pinboard in my office ever since. if you're wondering why Drift is sporting a natty red scarf in this picture, it's because that's what his stunt double, Scruffy, was wearing to the launch party!